Reading List
I intend to rekindle my love of literature in the new year.

My reading has become less enjoyable since beginning law school, and I have been confined to solely law texts.
This made me unhappy, but I believed it was vital for me to be a decent law student and a future lawyer. Looking back, I realise how foolish my decision was. Reading literature was what made me feel whole and gave me a new perspective on life and people.
This year (2023), I'm returning to my original love of literature, and I'm hoping that this reading list will assist those who are struggling or going through the same period as I am.
Few points to keep in mind while you go through my list <3
Some are classic literature which I love and have already read but want to read again to fall in love with them.
There are a few books whose texts are difficult to grasp, so one must not get afraid of the language used.
I will also be adding the number of pages and difficulty level so there is something for everyone.
Finally... the list is incomplete, and I am still adding books. I am open to suggestions and want to know more about the books that you guys love or would recommend!!
Ever wondered how great it would have been if there was a book which understood how a teenager feels when he/she/them goes through puberty and how the world starts changing around them while they are themselves changing? How we all struggled to make friends or keep up with them while we found our first crush, first love, first fantasies, and so many firsts.
If yes, then this is the book to read. Filled with illustrations, the story of Manan will grip you, and you will go on a journey with him from childhood to adulthood.
Pages - 198
Difficulty - 1.5/5
2. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
Tuesdays with Morrie raised a lot of awareness about ALS and made me appreciate all my body did for me. Through these meetings, we get to know Morrie so well that you feel he's your friend as well - therefore, it was harrowing when the unavoidable happened. I, too, felt as though I were in mourning.
Tuesdays with Morrie forces you to pause. It makes you more aware. It forces you to reconsider your life priorities and embrace life itself. It causes you to take fewer things for granted. It makes you wish that everyone had Morrie as a teacher. And it makes you thankful that his wisdom has been preserved in this book.
Pages - 192
Difficulty - 2/5
3. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
It shames me to say that I have yet to read this masterpiece of a book.
It is set in the small town of Maycomb, Alabama, in the 1930s and is told through the eyes of the young narrator, Scout Finch. The story explores themes of racism, injustice, and the loss of innocence and is regarded as a classic of modern American literature.
The story is brilliantly written, with a strong feeling of location and compelling characters that linger long after you stop reading. It is a painful reminder of the need to stand up for what is right, even when it is challenging, as well as of our society's constant battle for equality and justice.
Pages - 336
Difficulty - Once I read, I will mark it right up.
4. Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
The story follows a young troubled man who became a victim of circumstances and is struggling to find compassion and desperation. It is an all-time classic which will make you question yourself, make you angry at the decisions taken by Jean, make you cry with him, and ultimately be happy with his decisions.
Pages - 227
Difficulty - 3/5
After reading Emma twice...I am now annotating it :(
This is one of my all-time favourite books. Emma is a narrative of self-discovery and romance set in Highbury, a tiny English village. You will undoubtedly dislike Emma at first, but as the narrative progresses, you will grow to appreciate her a little more, a little more, and then BOOM! You will fall in love with her growth.
You (..and me both) may find this sluggish since there are so many characters to keep track of. The matchmaking, hilarity, and slow burn are well worth the hours spent reading it.
Pages - 504
Difficulty - 4/5
6. Tonight I'm Someone Else by Chelsea Hodson
If you like deep, introspective thoughts on life, friendships, love, passion and peace this is the book for you. There are however a few chapters which are boring and some are straight up just random quotes.
But there were a few chapters which made my eyes swell and made me feel lots of emotions...I did cry. Overall it is a good experience.
Some chapters were definitely not for me and I was not able to relate to it but I enjoyed annotating it so much!!
Would recommend it only if you are willing to go down the lane of feeling your emotions <3
Pages - 191
Difficulty - 2/5
7. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brönte
This is the second book which I picked up from the library as a child!!! Not kidding but yes, i was the girl who used to drown herself in books during classes, free time, lunch and P.T.
(I still am not gonna lie, lol.)
But this book has my ❤️ Always has and always will.
The characters are complex and multi-dimensional as they pull you into the story. You feel bad for them but at the same time angry!
A book about poverty, wealth, love, revenge and betrayal. You imagine it, it has it. Period drama with so much depth.
Just love, love it.
I recommend it to every single breathing person 💕🦋
Pages - 350
Difficulty - 5/5